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East Devon Committee Members and other Contacts

Chair – Alasdair Bruce

Email: chair24@edbk.co.uk

Secretary – Val Bone

Email:  secretary@edbk.co.uk
Charandale, Luton, Payhembury, EX14 3HZ

Treasurer – Keith Bone

Tel:     01404 841 629
Email: treasurer@edbk.co.uk
Charandale, Luton, Payhembury, EX14 3HZ

Membership Secretary – Val Bone

Email:  membership@edbk.co.uk
Charandale, Luton, Payhembury, EX14 3HZ

Librarian – Simon Norton

Email: librarian@edbk.co.uk

Apiary Manager – position vacant

Education & Courses – Richard Simpson

Tel:      07900 492 242
Email:  education@edbk.co.uk

Website – John Badley

Email: webmaster@edbk.co.uk

EC Delegate – Nick Silver

Email: trustee@edbk.co.uk

Seasonal Bee Inspector – Marcus Pilling

Temporary appointment

Tel:    07500 953 948

East Devon Asian Hornet coordinator – Kevin Jackson

Email: ahatcoordinator@edbk.co.uk


There is an East Devon Beekeepers Facebook page where members can exchange information and ask questions.
Search for East Devon Beekeepers and send a request to join – the admin team will check that you are a paid up member of East Devon branch before adding you to the group.