‘The Good’. Some features of healthy bee brood.
Images labelled * Courtesy The Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA), Crown Copyright.

Queen bee

Queen laying

Drone (top) and worker


Young larvae

Healthy brood

Drone brood

Newly emerged worker

Comb building

Nectar processing

Honey making

Undertaker bee

Honey comb

Workers on honey comb

Pollen *

Worker brood
‘The Bad’. Some features of not-so-healthy bee brood.

Bald brood *

Chalk brood *

Chalk brood ‘mummies’ *

Deformed wing virus *

Drone laying workers

Evidence of Nosema

Queen being ‘balled’

Queen laying problem

Sac brood *

Wax moth

Winter losses

Varroa mite *
‘The Ugly’. The notifiable pests and diseases.

American foul brood *

Matchstick test for AFB *

European foul brood *

European foul brood scales *

Small hive beetle *

Small hive beetle larvae *

Tropilaelaps mite *