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Membership Details for 2025

East Devon Branch of the Devon Beekeepers’ Association (DBKA)

UK Registered Charity Number 270675

Please download the appropriate Membership Form below. Guidance notes are included.

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2025 Membership Form (Word) for New Members

2025 Membership Form (PDF) for New Members

2025 Membership Renewal Form (Word)

2025 Membership Renewal Form (PDF)

Contact Membership Secretary: membership@edbk.co.uk
Contact Treasurer: treasurer@edbk.co.uk

Membership is open to anyone keeping bees or having an interest in the craft of beekeeping.
Members of all categories shall be members of a Branch, and members may participate in the activities of any Branch of DBKA.
Membership renewal/subscription may be completed via the BBKA eReturn2 On-line Membership facility.
The membership year starts on 1st January and ends on 31st December.
The annual subscription for all existing members renewing their subscription is payable in advance of 31 December. Members are not entitled to the benefits of the DBKA until their subscription has been paid.
Bee Diseases Insurance (BDI) cover is subject to BDI Regulations. (See Guidance Notes.)

Gift Aid Declaration
DBKA can claim 25p in Gift Aid for every pound from your membership subscriptions and donations.
Please enter YES in the Gift Aid Section of the Online form to indicate that you would like DBKA to treat all membership subscriptions and donations as Gift Aid donations. You are confirming that you are a UK taxpayer and understand that if you pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax in the current tax year than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all your donations, it is your responsibility to pay any difference.

Membership Classes

  • Registered Member – for those individuals who keep bees in their own right and wish to take a full part in all the aspects of the DBKA.
  • Partner Member – for those individuals who reside at the same address as a Registered Member.
  • Junior Member – for individuals under the age of 18 years. Junior membership shall cease when the individual attains the age of 18 and shall be automatically and immediately amended to Registered Membership for the remainder of that membership year, without further payment.
  • DBKA Honorary Member – for those individuals who are elected at a DBKA AGM, either for a limited period or for life, in recognition of past services to beekeeping and the DBKA.  The subscription is payable by the DBKA and the Honorary Member shall enjoy the same benefits as a member in the same membership category to which the member subscribed before being elected an Honorary Member.
  • Branch Honorary Member – for those individuals who are elected at a Branch AGM, either for a limited period or for life, in recognition of past services to beekeeping and the Branch.  The subscription is payable by the Branch and the Honorary Member shall enjoy the same benefits as a member in the same membership category to which the member subscribed before being elected an Honorary Member.
  • Local Member – for those individuals who do not keep bees in their own right in the County of Devon, who are generally interested in the craft of beekeeping and may wish to participate in DBKA activities, belong to a Branch, and receive Beekeeping Magazine, or are already a BBKA member with another Area Association.
  • Schools/Educational Establishments Member – for those schools and educational establishments who wish to keep bees in their own right and wish to take a full part in all aspects of the DBKA.
  • Corporate Member – for commercial and academic bodies or organisations that wish to support, in whole or part, the work of the DBKA.

(For further information on categories please consult your Branch Membership Secretary or read the current DBKA Governing Document.)

Download the Guidance Notes above for further information on:

  • DBKA Membership Classes Benefits
  • Beekeeping Magazine, digital link or hard copy
  • DBKA President’s Fund
  • The Beekeeping Quarterly magazine discount
  • Notes to help you complete the Membership Renewal Form
  • DBKA Privacy Statement and Data Protection
  • Your rights
  • BeeBase

All you have to do:

  • Existing members will be emailed a link to complete their membership renewal online if they wish. Otherwise, download the appropriate 2025 Membership Renewal Form above.
  • New members, please download the appropriate 2025 Membership Form above.

Complete the form and send it, with payment, to the East Devon Membership Secretary: Val Bone, Charandale, Payhembury, Honiton. EX14 3HZ   or use this link, membership@edbk.co.uk.

Cheques should be made payable to: East Devon Branch – DBKA

IMPORTANT: If paying by bank transfer, email your form to the East Devon Branch Treasurer stating that you have paid electronically – treasurer@edbk.co.uk